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Donations to The Covenant School Community

Raised: $3,965
Goal: $100,000
Donations to The Covenant School Community

Raised: $3,965
Goal: $100,000

Thank you for your interest in donating to The Covenant School.

Your donation will help our community as we restore, rebuild, and heal.
Items Available for Purchase

$500.00 Signed Event Poster

Cash Donation Amount

Please support our work by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.

$ .00

Thank you for donating to The Covenant School's Community Fund, established to help the school community recover from our tragedy on March 27, 2023. All funds will be used to aide in the school's recovery. This includes but is not limited to helping to fund family and faculty staff counseling and mental health needs, equipping teachers in their classrooms as we transition into temporary spaces and back into the Burton Hills campus, and bolstering security measures and other policies.